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Monday, June 11, 2007
1:06 PM

I feel pretty weary about doing this, but the time has come:



Mainly because the personification of this blog can no longer be considered to be synonymous with me. There is an air of superficiality and artificiality in this blog, and it was intentional. However, the author of this blog died several months ago, and hence the shutting down of this blog inevitably follows.

That is not to say that this blog hasn't paid its dues. It has served its purpose for almost 3 years now. For nostalgia's sake, I shall not delete the blog.

But it's time to move on.

I've moved here if anyone is interested (or wants to update their links).

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
3:59 PM

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What I've been listening to lately. Awesome stuff.

British pop infused with alot of jazz and soul elements. Amy Winehouse has very unique vocals- a distinct drawl à la Anastacia- and yet in a class of its own.

Give it a listen if you're the adventurous sort of person. You won't regret it.

Saturday, April 21, 2007
11:43 PM

I woke up today with the worst hangover ever. It felt like my brain was clawing its way out of my skull. Went over to an aunt's place last night for some gathering. She had an amazing stash of wine. I think I downed a bottle of some French wine, can't really remember. Thing is, I felt fine before going to bed. I wasn't even drunk. I felt happy. Really really euphoric. Happier than I've been in months, in fact. Sad, eh?

Tuesday, March 27, 2007
4:31 PM

Buddy of mine went on an impulsive trip to some skincare/beauty salon to get some exfoliation treatment.

"They used an array of fancy-sounding techniques. Chief is the microdermabrasive suction tool which uses microscopic diamond dust blades to exfoliate dead cells and a precision vacuum to suck away debris and clogged pores. Also there was high-frequency energy pulsation to kill bacteria and stimulate cell renewal."

"I feel like a newborn! My skin is really smooth and even now."

I was mortified, needless to say.

So, now I'm torn. A voice in my head goes, "Omg, why are you pulling this coming-out gimmick on me? You could've told me you were gay! I would understand!"

Of course, the antagonist in my head goes: "You know you want to try it."

So the question is, to try (and secretly be a hypocrite)? Or not to try (and diss my friend off as gay!)?

The things I'm introduced to these days. Amazing.

Friday, March 23, 2007
12:46 PM

Recently, a good friend of mine told me that he was seriously considering quitting his Honours year, due to a burnout/lack of motivation (although it wasn't an option as his dad wouldn't let him). This made me take a step back and think of my own future. All along I've had everything planned, almost definitely certain about the path I want to take, the things I want to do. However I've always chosen to ignore the need for a contingency plan, even though the thought that something will go wrong, if it can go wrong has been nagging away from within.

Sometimes we try hard to deceive ourselves that we really want something and nothing else just because it gives us a false sense of security. I've thought about this countless times- do I really want to go down this road? Am I going to truly commit to this?

The answer is a resounding yes everytime. I've never been a quitter, I've taken most challenges I've faced in good stride. This will be just another obstacle to overcome. I guess it's still too early to be decisive, I'll have to tread the waters to get a feel of things first.

Saturday, March 17, 2007
1:06 AM

Well, tonight was just another night where me and Keith argued over something, and today's somewhat heated exchange ended off pretty humourously and amicably:

Me: haix

Me: i think its better if we didnt exist

Me: then we wouldnt have to worry why we existed

Me: suicide pact?

Keith: u nuts ar

Keith: i wanna do things

Haha. Gotta love that guy.

Sunday, March 11, 2007
1:27 AM

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300. I found it well worth my months of anticipation and nine bucks. I think the only flaws of the movie weren't exactly the movie's fault, it had to do with Frank Miller's own portrayal of Persians (as a twisted people, shrouded in mysticism). In fact I wouldn't really consider them "flaws" per se; after all, 300 was a graphic novel- born out of the author's mind- about how the events of the Battle of Thermopylae could have unfolded. If I truly wanted everything to be historically accurate, I could have watched a documentary instead.

I was especially intrigued by "the immortals" though, the Persian host of masked dagger-wielding soldiers. Historically, did they exist? They look very Japanese ninja assasin/bandit-esque.

And. I wonder what kind of physical training those actors went through? The Spartans look freaking buff. Sign me up for that fitness programme too please.