12:30 AM
About 4.5 months to ORD. Time is whizzing by so fast and yet passing so slow that its killing me. There's so many things I wanna do when I'm freed of this burden. Most importantly, I wanna gym, and get fit, ASAP. And then spend time with the guys, they've planned a cruise (how interesting). Have to settle my driving as well, and hoepfully meet up with the s23 people. And I just realised I have to take pop piano lessons before I take up keyboards/ synth- because I can't read scores. How shameful.
2:52 PM
Revamped! Basically I removed the Coldplay skin and replaced it with a Franz Ferdinand skin. (Franz Ferdinand, by the way, happens to be another band that I adore.) Well mainly I just wanted a fresh look. Hope any of you who stumble by like it.
Oh, and I removed the tagboard. I may add a comments bar at the end of posts in the future.
We'll see.
12:30 AM
About 4.5 months to ORD. Time is whizzing by so fast and yet passing so slow that its killing me. There's so many things I wanna do when I'm freed of this burden. Most importantly, I wanna gym, and get fit, ASAP. And then spend time with the guys, they've planned a cruise (how interesting). Have to settle my driving as well, and hoepfully meet up with the s23 people. And I just realised I have to take pop piano lessons before I take up keyboards/ synth- because I can't read scores. How shameful.
2:52 PM
Revamped! Basically I removed the Coldplay skin and replaced it with a Franz Ferdinand skin. (Franz Ferdinand, by the way, happens to be another band that I adore.) Well mainly I just wanted a fresh look. Hope any of you who stumble by like it.
Oh, and I removed the tagboard. I may add a comments bar at the end of posts in the future.
We'll see.