3:50 PM
(Me)jay to the z- 15.11.05 Confessions on a Dancefloor says:
yar whats the origin of their name ar?
(Keith)I/O, I/O, it's to the bus we go - electrical pulses singing says:
back probably refers to backside
I/O, I/O, it's to the bus we go - electrical pulses singing says:
and bronze is 3rd place
I/O, I/O, it's to the bus we go - electrical pulses singing says:
so they like third class faggots hence explaining their music
jay to the z- 15.11.05 Confessions on a Dancefloor says:
how degrading.
jay to the z- 15.11.05 Confessions on a Dancefloor says:
im amazed the singer hasnt committed suicide yet
jay to the z- 15.11.05 Confessions on a Dancefloor says:
every one of their singles is about how he broke up with some gf
jay to the z- 15.11.05 Confessions on a Dancefloor says:
then keeps thinking of her
I/O, I/O, it's to the bus we go - electrical pulses singing says:
yar he shld jump 40 times from the 1st story
I/O, I/O, it's to the bus we go - electrical pulses singing says:
so he will suffer
LOL. No offence to Nickelback fans.
1:19 PM
The sun is sleeping quietly
Once upon a century
Wistful oceans calm and red
Ardent caresses laid to rest
For my dreams I hold my life
For wishes I behold my night
The truth at the end of time
Losing faith makes a crime
I wish for this night-time
to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you
Sorrow has a human heart
From my god it will depart
I'd sail before a thousand moons
Never finding where to go
Two hundred twenty-two days of light
Will be desired by a night
A moment for the poet's play
Until there's nothing left to say
I wish for this night-time
to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you
-Sleeping Sun, Nightwish
This song...is just amazing. Can't describe it in words, you have to hear it to understand.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
2:59 PM
I think it is absolutely unnacceptable, this proselytizing of people that has been going on for quite some time. I am sick of people who look down on each others' faiths, and at the same time spend alot of effort preaching to the faithless.
In a free society, one should be allowed to practise a faith of his own free will, and not be co-erced into it. If you wish not to take up the faith of your parents, does that give them a right to disown you? Is it wrong for two people of different religions to get married, and still practise their separate faiths, and not let it get in the way of the relationship?
Traditions are traditions, but they should not suppress one's freedom of thought or opinion.
7:20 PM
Finally paid the dreaded visit to the eye doctor a few days ago. A new doctor actually (one of my dad's friends). Anyway, I discovered I have very high
astigmatism (which means my eyeball is rather elongated instead of round),
long-sightedness (NOT myopia, I'm suffering from an old man's disease) and very
sensitive eyes (apparently the insides of my eyelids are "swollen" and there are lots of blood vessels on my eye).
Well the prognosis was not all bad actually. The good news was my lens power dropped 100 degrees, to 100 degrees for each eye, explaining why my vision is blurry now (using my current specs).
So today I went hunting for a new pair of spectacles, with my mum and my aunt. I ended up buying a really cool
alain mikli glasses, with transition lenses (the kind which fades to dark outdoors in the sun, becomes clear indoors).
Basically it costs
$1100 (yes, a thousand and a hundred dollars), and I simply couldn't bear to get myself any other pair cause this one is really ideal for me.
So don't call me a
spendthrift, its an
investment!! Hey, I used my old glasses for
3 years ok!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
2:44 PM
Heading off to work in a few hours. Nothing better to do now, so instead of moping about my pathetic misadventures in life, shall post a few quiz results:
Your Birthdate: April 8 |
 Born on the 8th day of the month, you have a special gift for business, as you can conceive and plan on a grand scale. You have good executive skills and you're a good judge of values. You should try to own your own business, because you have such a strong desire to be in control.
You are generally reliable when it comes to handling money; you can be trusted in this regard. Idealistic by nature, you are never too busy to spend some time on worthwhile causes, especially if managerial support are needed. There is much potential for material success associated with this number. |
Well, I know I'm idealistic. Ok fine..I'm a perfectionist. True, I want to be in control of things- specifically my life- but not anything else. I don't see myself as a leader. Is this quiz supposed to be a morale-booster or what? Lol.
You Are Likely a First Born |
 At your darkest moments, you feel guilty. At work and school, you do best when you're researching. When you love someone, you tend to agree with them often.
In friendship, you are considerate and compromising. Your ideal careers are: business, research, counseling, promotion, and speaking. You will leave your mark on the world with discoveries, new information, and teaching people to dream. |
Woo..pretty interesting result eh? Considering I am an only child, and I did this for fun.. it still yielded the first-born result. I want to believe this result is true, cause if it is, then it means I'm heading in the right direction...
You Should Get a PhD in Liberal Arts (like political science, literature, or philosophy) |
 You're a great thinker and a true philosopher. You'd make a talented professor or writer. |
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
11:46 PM
How's everyone feeling nowadays?
I haven't posted much recently. In fact I don't intend to.
It's just that bloggers and blog-readers nowadays have become so fucked up, so overly petty.
It's like, anything you say is over-scrutinized, taken out of context, and then gossipped about.
And then you get slammed for "defamation", "racism", "stirring up political sentiments" and what have you.
Hence, to save myself the trouble of having to put up with some silly bitch (or bastard) reading some of the crap I write, and then getting offended by it, I shall refrain from posting altogether.
That aside, where was I?
Ah, enquiring about the health of my fellow readers.
As for myself, the pits of hell just seem bottomless, and I seem to be diving straight into them. Honestly, my self-esteem and morale couldn't drop any further.
I've decided to give myself one block's worth of leave- off from Thursday to Tuesday next week.
I need the time to recharge. I'm just too drained- emotionally. And mentally.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
2:15 PM
Unearthed my Josephian annuals just now when i was rearranging stuff in my cupboard. Felt really nostalgic looking through the photos and articles.
I still remember the Sec 1 orientation, Hanif and Joseph were the first two people I talked to, and we became good friends, and we always used to hang out at Joe's place. Haha. Those were the days.
Then in Sec 2, I remember I sat with Keith in class. Those were the funniest times ever, and I got to know the SJAB gang better- Gy, Clar, Sam, Andy, Keith etc haha. And who couldn't forget the projects in sec 2? I remember I went for this innovation programme thingy, joining forces with Hanif and Derwin, and we ganged up against Bala. Hahaha those were the days man. Oh, and Hanif, me and Arjun forged a fellowship in sec 2 (which was kinda broken earlier this year after Arjun flew off to England, leaving us behind).
The most memorable times of my lower sec days were in the old canteen and the old library (both of which have been rebuilt)- the times when we used to sit around and talk, the days when we really had too much time on our hands.
Sec 3 and 4 were just as memorable. Our class was pretty united, and we had a flair for class productions for various special occasions, most notably our 2002 Teachers' Day video. Man.. we had a whale of a time making that video. And I still remember the days when Xuehui, Tian Loong, Craig and I would stay back after school, and sit around and talk for hours in class. And the geog lessons with Martina Chan, who spent more time gossipping than teaching HAHA. Oh, and of course, sitting next to Taffy in Sec 4. We never payed attention to lessons, I was always talking crap with Shawn, Alwyn and Taffy. Most importantly, the SJAB gang in sec 4- the year we became NCOs, the year we used to sit around in the canteen and have lunch at 9am (LOL), and all the annual parades and handing over power to the sec 3s....
Zzzzzzz. I really miss those four years of my life man. Undoubtedly the best.
The Class of 2002 reunion dinner will be in 2012. Pretty excited about it actually. Wonder what would have become of my friends and buddies by then? And myself? Really can't picture myself 6 years from now. Lol.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
3:04 PM
I'm not ashamed
of the things that I dream
I find myself flirting
with the verge of obscene
Into the unknown,
I will be bold
I'm going to places
I can be out of control
And I don't want to explain tonight
All the things I've tried to hide
I shut myself out from the world so I
Can draw the blinds and I'll teach myself to fly
I love myself
It's not a sin
I can't control what's happenin'
'Cause I just discovered
Imagination's taking over
Another day without a lover
The more I come to understand
The touch of my hand
From the small of my back
and the arch of my feet
Lately I've been noticin' the beautiful me
I'm all in my skin
and I'm not gonna wait
I’m into myself
in the most precious way
(repeat chorus & bridge)
There's a world undefined
In my body and mind
I won't be left behind
I'm already here
(repeat chorus & bridge)
-Touch of My Hand, Britney Spears
Self-stimulation. Britney. It all makes sense. *lol*
2:38 PM
Just got my replacement SIM card. Shall be contacting people soon to rebuild my phone book. Or if you have SMSes to spare, you can drop me one, that'd be greatly appreciated. =)
Saturday, October 01, 2005
9:06 PM
Be With Me turned out to be an interesting movie, well worth my anticipation.
For one thing, it received a standing ovation at Cannes- so I read with enthusiasm in the Straits Times.
Another point- it was distributed by Warner Bros. How many local films have you seen being distributed by Warner Bros? NONE. Of course, Be With Me was a pioneer. Impressive, I thought.
It definitely didn't fail to live up to expectations.
I thought it was really an eye-opener, the way Ms Theresa Chan described how it felt to be blind and deaf- "like a dark and silent prison"; "as though a wall had been built between me and the living, that could not be broken no matter how much I tried".
I guess its true when she says nobody can really know what it feels like to be blind and deaf. Who can truly understand her suffering? Yet its amazing how she managed to learn English, learnt how to speak, was even a teacher, and even wrote an autobiography. And I thought it was especially touching when she said how she discovered about the poverty-stricken families and children in Bombay, and she realised that "these children were struggling to survive, and here I was, even though i was disabled, I had everything", and then vowed to make a donation to help out these people. A truly extraordinary person.
As for the three tales that were woven into the storyline, they were extremely tragic. The scene at the hospital when the ah pek was visiting his terminally ill wife was really disturbing. The fact that he actually performed assisted euthanasia. The fact that when the wife took his hand, and placed it over her nose, in a gesture as if to smother her- the old man obliged calmly and therefore murdered her- was truly scary. The suicide scene is even more gripping. Its like, what are the odds of these two characters who are so vastly different in their lifestyle, crossing paths in such a situation? And I was wondering, when Jackie dropped the phone, and it landed in front of the fat guy, did the fat guy look up and realize that there was a girl about to commit suicide? And therefore he decided to sacrifice his life to save her? Or was it really by chance that she fell right on top of him, crushing him to death, and surviving the fall? Such a tragedy.. poor guy. To think that he finally wrote a letter to the woman he'd been admiring for weeks, and on the way to mailing the letter, meets with death.
And the ending, when Theresa comforts the ah pek.. what a sad sad ending. I was all bleary-eyed by the end of the movie man, all ready to bawl.
Utterly sad movie. Minimal dialogue, but a masterpiece in its own league.
3:50 PM
(Me)jay to the z- 15.11.05 Confessions on a Dancefloor says:
yar whats the origin of their name ar?
(Keith)I/O, I/O, it's to the bus we go - electrical pulses singing says:
back probably refers to backside
I/O, I/O, it's to the bus we go - electrical pulses singing says:
and bronze is 3rd place
I/O, I/O, it's to the bus we go - electrical pulses singing says:
so they like third class faggots hence explaining their music
jay to the z- 15.11.05 Confessions on a Dancefloor says:
how degrading.
jay to the z- 15.11.05 Confessions on a Dancefloor says:
im amazed the singer hasnt committed suicide yet
jay to the z- 15.11.05 Confessions on a Dancefloor says:
every one of their singles is about how he broke up with some gf
jay to the z- 15.11.05 Confessions on a Dancefloor says:
then keeps thinking of her
I/O, I/O, it's to the bus we go - electrical pulses singing says:
yar he shld jump 40 times from the 1st story
I/O, I/O, it's to the bus we go - electrical pulses singing says:
so he will suffer
LOL. No offence to Nickelback fans.
1:19 PM
The sun is sleeping quietly
Once upon a century
Wistful oceans calm and red
Ardent caresses laid to rest
For my dreams I hold my life
For wishes I behold my night
The truth at the end of time
Losing faith makes a crime
I wish for this night-time
to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you
Sorrow has a human heart
From my god it will depart
I'd sail before a thousand moons
Never finding where to go
Two hundred twenty-two days of light
Will be desired by a night
A moment for the poet's play
Until there's nothing left to say
I wish for this night-time
to last for a lifetime
The darkness around me
Shores of a solar sea
Oh how I wish to go down with the sun
With you
-Sleeping Sun, Nightwish
This song...is just amazing. Can't describe it in words, you have to hear it to understand.
Thursday, October 27, 2005
2:59 PM
I think it is absolutely unnacceptable, this proselytizing of people that has been going on for quite some time. I am sick of people who look down on each others' faiths, and at the same time spend alot of effort preaching to the faithless.
In a free society, one should be allowed to practise a faith of his own free will, and not be co-erced into it. If you wish not to take up the faith of your parents, does that give them a right to disown you? Is it wrong for two people of different religions to get married, and still practise their separate faiths, and not let it get in the way of the relationship?
Traditions are traditions, but they should not suppress one's freedom of thought or opinion.
7:20 PM
Finally paid the dreaded visit to the eye doctor a few days ago. A new doctor actually (one of my dad's friends). Anyway, I discovered I have very high
astigmatism (which means my eyeball is rather elongated instead of round),
long-sightedness (NOT myopia, I'm suffering from an old man's disease) and very
sensitive eyes (apparently the insides of my eyelids are "swollen" and there are lots of blood vessels on my eye).
Well the prognosis was not all bad actually. The good news was my lens power dropped 100 degrees, to 100 degrees for each eye, explaining why my vision is blurry now (using my current specs).
So today I went hunting for a new pair of spectacles, with my mum and my aunt. I ended up buying a really cool
alain mikli glasses, with transition lenses (the kind which fades to dark outdoors in the sun, becomes clear indoors).
Basically it costs
$1100 (yes, a thousand and a hundred dollars), and I simply couldn't bear to get myself any other pair cause this one is really ideal for me.
So don't call me a
spendthrift, its an
investment!! Hey, I used my old glasses for
3 years ok!!
Wednesday, October 19, 2005
2:44 PM
Heading off to work in a few hours. Nothing better to do now, so instead of moping about my pathetic misadventures in life, shall post a few quiz results:
Your Birthdate: April 8 |
 Born on the 8th day of the month, you have a special gift for business, as you can conceive and plan on a grand scale. You have good executive skills and you're a good judge of values. You should try to own your own business, because you have such a strong desire to be in control.
You are generally reliable when it comes to handling money; you can be trusted in this regard. Idealistic by nature, you are never too busy to spend some time on worthwhile causes, especially if managerial support are needed. There is much potential for material success associated with this number. |
Well, I know I'm idealistic. Ok fine..I'm a perfectionist. True, I want to be in control of things- specifically my life- but not anything else. I don't see myself as a leader. Is this quiz supposed to be a morale-booster or what? Lol.
You Are Likely a First Born |
 At your darkest moments, you feel guilty. At work and school, you do best when you're researching. When you love someone, you tend to agree with them often.
In friendship, you are considerate and compromising. Your ideal careers are: business, research, counseling, promotion, and speaking. You will leave your mark on the world with discoveries, new information, and teaching people to dream. |
Woo..pretty interesting result eh? Considering I am an only child, and I did this for fun.. it still yielded the first-born result. I want to believe this result is true, cause if it is, then it means I'm heading in the right direction...
You Should Get a PhD in Liberal Arts (like political science, literature, or philosophy) |
 You're a great thinker and a true philosopher. You'd make a talented professor or writer. |
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
11:46 PM
How's everyone feeling nowadays?
I haven't posted much recently. In fact I don't intend to.
It's just that bloggers and blog-readers nowadays have become so fucked up, so overly petty.
It's like, anything you say is over-scrutinized, taken out of context, and then gossipped about.
And then you get slammed for "defamation", "racism", "stirring up political sentiments" and what have you.
Hence, to save myself the trouble of having to put up with some silly bitch (or bastard) reading some of the crap I write, and then getting offended by it, I shall refrain from posting altogether.
That aside, where was I?
Ah, enquiring about the health of my fellow readers.
As for myself, the pits of hell just seem bottomless, and I seem to be diving straight into them. Honestly, my self-esteem and morale couldn't drop any further.
I've decided to give myself one block's worth of leave- off from Thursday to Tuesday next week.
I need the time to recharge. I'm just too drained- emotionally. And mentally.
Thursday, October 13, 2005
2:15 PM
Unearthed my Josephian annuals just now when i was rearranging stuff in my cupboard. Felt really nostalgic looking through the photos and articles.
I still remember the Sec 1 orientation, Hanif and Joseph were the first two people I talked to, and we became good friends, and we always used to hang out at Joe's place. Haha. Those were the days.
Then in Sec 2, I remember I sat with Keith in class. Those were the funniest times ever, and I got to know the SJAB gang better- Gy, Clar, Sam, Andy, Keith etc haha. And who couldn't forget the projects in sec 2? I remember I went for this innovation programme thingy, joining forces with Hanif and Derwin, and we ganged up against Bala. Hahaha those were the days man. Oh, and Hanif, me and Arjun forged a fellowship in sec 2 (which was kinda broken earlier this year after Arjun flew off to England, leaving us behind).
The most memorable times of my lower sec days were in the old canteen and the old library (both of which have been rebuilt)- the times when we used to sit around and talk, the days when we really had too much time on our hands.
Sec 3 and 4 were just as memorable. Our class was pretty united, and we had a flair for class productions for various special occasions, most notably our 2002 Teachers' Day video. Man.. we had a whale of a time making that video. And I still remember the days when Xuehui, Tian Loong, Craig and I would stay back after school, and sit around and talk for hours in class. And the geog lessons with Martina Chan, who spent more time gossipping than teaching HAHA. Oh, and of course, sitting next to Taffy in Sec 4. We never payed attention to lessons, I was always talking crap with Shawn, Alwyn and Taffy. Most importantly, the SJAB gang in sec 4- the year we became NCOs, the year we used to sit around in the canteen and have lunch at 9am (LOL), and all the annual parades and handing over power to the sec 3s....
Zzzzzzz. I really miss those four years of my life man. Undoubtedly the best.
The Class of 2002 reunion dinner will be in 2012. Pretty excited about it actually. Wonder what would have become of my friends and buddies by then? And myself? Really can't picture myself 6 years from now. Lol.
Saturday, October 08, 2005
3:04 PM
I'm not ashamed
of the things that I dream
I find myself flirting
with the verge of obscene
Into the unknown,
I will be bold
I'm going to places
I can be out of control
And I don't want to explain tonight
All the things I've tried to hide
I shut myself out from the world so I
Can draw the blinds and I'll teach myself to fly
I love myself
It's not a sin
I can't control what's happenin'
'Cause I just discovered
Imagination's taking over
Another day without a lover
The more I come to understand
The touch of my hand
From the small of my back
and the arch of my feet
Lately I've been noticin' the beautiful me
I'm all in my skin
and I'm not gonna wait
I’m into myself
in the most precious way
(repeat chorus & bridge)
There's a world undefined
In my body and mind
I won't be left behind
I'm already here
(repeat chorus & bridge)
-Touch of My Hand, Britney Spears
Self-stimulation. Britney. It all makes sense. *lol*
2:38 PM
Just got my replacement SIM card. Shall be contacting people soon to rebuild my phone book. Or if you have SMSes to spare, you can drop me one, that'd be greatly appreciated. =)
Saturday, October 01, 2005
9:06 PM
Be With Me turned out to be an interesting movie, well worth my anticipation.
For one thing, it received a standing ovation at Cannes- so I read with enthusiasm in the Straits Times.
Another point- it was distributed by Warner Bros. How many local films have you seen being distributed by Warner Bros? NONE. Of course, Be With Me was a pioneer. Impressive, I thought.
It definitely didn't fail to live up to expectations.
I thought it was really an eye-opener, the way Ms Theresa Chan described how it felt to be blind and deaf- "like a dark and silent prison"; "as though a wall had been built between me and the living, that could not be broken no matter how much I tried".
I guess its true when she says nobody can really know what it feels like to be blind and deaf. Who can truly understand her suffering? Yet its amazing how she managed to learn English, learnt how to speak, was even a teacher, and even wrote an autobiography. And I thought it was especially touching when she said how she discovered about the poverty-stricken families and children in Bombay, and she realised that "these children were struggling to survive, and here I was, even though i was disabled, I had everything", and then vowed to make a donation to help out these people. A truly extraordinary person.
As for the three tales that were woven into the storyline, they were extremely tragic. The scene at the hospital when the ah pek was visiting his terminally ill wife was really disturbing. The fact that he actually performed assisted euthanasia. The fact that when the wife took his hand, and placed it over her nose, in a gesture as if to smother her- the old man obliged calmly and therefore murdered her- was truly scary. The suicide scene is even more gripping. Its like, what are the odds of these two characters who are so vastly different in their lifestyle, crossing paths in such a situation? And I was wondering, when Jackie dropped the phone, and it landed in front of the fat guy, did the fat guy look up and realize that there was a girl about to commit suicide? And therefore he decided to sacrifice his life to save her? Or was it really by chance that she fell right on top of him, crushing him to death, and surviving the fall? Such a tragedy.. poor guy. To think that he finally wrote a letter to the woman he'd been admiring for weeks, and on the way to mailing the letter, meets with death.
And the ending, when Theresa comforts the ah pek.. what a sad sad ending. I was all bleary-eyed by the end of the movie man, all ready to bawl.
Utterly sad movie. Minimal dialogue, but a masterpiece in its own league.