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Tuesday, November 30, 2004
3:13 PM

Your eyes, they send me
to eternity
your heart may cast me down,
to hell
But lately its your love,
its condemnation enough

Please Identify
If its me you want,
standing by your side
these tears of mine,
Am I lonely?or am I just alive?

And what is time, to say
Who and why the test of love,
your hands were speaking "no"
I felt the movement go
the ice was breaking,
I wondeer why
that I'd
identify with you
my life
Leave me empty and see if I survive

For every questioned hour,
For every second devoured
You let me wonder you
into a myth
that I

Please identify
if its me you want,
standing by your side
These tears of mine
Am I lonely? or am I just alive?
Am I lonely? or am I just alive?

-Identify, Natalie Imbruglia (OST, Stigmata)

great song for a great movie. okok not great, good'll do. ok, imma off.

Monday, November 29, 2004
1:44 AM

keith and vanessa are back in SG. hmm.. i'll have to meet them soon. keith says we're going to HMV. sounds mad, hopefully his treat, i can get a few CDs also (lol). oh and i still haven't bought ayumi's albums. and my mp3 player... and my Klipsch 2.1 speakers..zzzzzz. i need $$$ !!!!!!

Sunday, November 28, 2004
1:28 AM

chanced upon a certain someone's blog (if you're wondering, yes, i know the person, no, i didnt link up his blog) and i was reading this entry about "the criteria one needs to fulfill before becoming a blogger". i don't know if i was being sensitive and moronic, or if it was supposed to be a personal joke or smth, but i couldn't help but feel passionately against that perspective of his. obviously, you don't know the meaning of freedom of speech. a blog is not meant for public viewing by default. usually, one's blog would only be viewed by others if 1) they knew the existence of the blog or 2) they chanced upon it. whatever the case, anyone who owns a blog is entitled to say whatever he/she wants within that few bytes of space. i mean, there's nothing wrong with judging and labelling a blog 'lame' and 'narrow' or 'shallow', but if you do it publically, or worse still, publish an anti- [insert blog name here] article, you're effectively defaming that person. and its not very convincing when you're defaming someone and the state of your blog itself is very pathetic to start with, eh? lol.

Saturday, November 27, 2004
11:51 PM

zzzzzzzz i think i'm quite weak. i'm only lvl 18, too weak to face up to those pesky golems and lupins. and zombie shrooms....and whatever. AND that idiotic forest quest, which i got en to do for me -_-'. i think i'll just go level up or something.....until i'm level 20. or i'm an assassin or smth. till then.. no dungeons for me. -.-

Friday, November 26, 2004
3:04 AM

just got home from supper with a few long lost friends. mad tired. anyway, what can i say? being the last day of the A levels, today indeed marks the closure of college life for me. the last day of wearing NJ uniform. perhaps, one of the last few times i'll ever be stepping into NJ ever again.

that aside, bio paper 1 was a good finale, as far as the As are concerned. fortunately, i was wise enough to browse through my bio mcq tutorials last night, and i noticed there were many questions that were repeated. it was to our advantage of course. so much for that, i just hope i'll get an A.

anyways, watched Shutter later in the morning lol. it so happened that the cinema was filled with NJ people as well (a bunch of noisy asses from tennis, J1s i think, 2 J2 girls, and hanif, and me lol). the film was intriguing, mainly because it didn't have one of those cliché horror plots. and also since it was based on real life incidents as well, and not to mention the horrific twist at the end (even i didn't imagine a twist to THAT extent), it was well worth the money.

later on in the evening we caught Bride and Prejudice LOL. well, i have to say it was really pure brainless fun. pretty corny and lame, lol. i wa kinda shocked that aishwarya rai would wanna act in such a sleazy show. actually the plot wasn't that bad.. it was just kinda underdeveloped. and there was wayy too much song and dance LOL.

with that, the slacking begins. Day 1 of 2weeks of intensive slacking. can't hardly wait.

Wednesday, November 24, 2004
11:35 AM


Maria Ai subeki hito ga ite
kizu wo otta subete no monodachi...

Mawari wo miwataseba
Dare mo ga awatadashiku
Dokoka ashibaya ni toorisugi

Kotoshi mo ki ga tsukeba
Konnani sugu soba made
Fuyu no kehai ga otozureteta

Kyou mo kitto kono machi no dokoka de
Deatte me ga atta futari
Hageshiku maku ga aketeku

Soredemo subete ni wa
Kanarazu itsu no hi ni ka
Owari ga yatte kuru mono dakara

Kyou mo mata kono machi no dokoka de
Wakare no michi Erabu futari
Shizukani maku wo oroshita

Maria Ai subeki hito ga ite
Toki ni Tsuyoi kodoku wo kanji
Dakedo Ai subeki ano hito ni
Kekkyoku nani mo ka mo mitasareru

Maria Ai subeki hito ga ite
Toki ni Fukaku fukai kizu wo oi
Dakedo Ai subeki ano hito ni
Kekkyoku nani mo ka mo iyasareteru

Maria Dare mo mina naite iru
Maria Dakedo shinjite itai
Maria Dakara inotte iru yo
Kore ga saigo no koi de aru you ni

Wakenaku hajimari wa otozure
Owari wa itsudatte wake wo motsu...

English Translation

Maria There is someone I should love;
every person who has ever been hurt...

As I look around,
everyone busily
hurries on by.

I noticed that this year, too,
the signs of winter have
come very soon.

Again, somewhere in this city today
two people will meet and fall in love;
the curtains are violently drawn open.

Even so, everything eventually,
someday, has an end.

Again, somewhere in this city today
two people split apart;
the curtains are quitely drawn shut.

Maria There is someone I should love.
At times I feel very lonely.
But my needs are all fulfilled
by the person I should love.

Maria There is someone I should love.
At times I bear very deep wounds.
But they are all healed
by the person I should love.

Maria Everyone is crying.
Maria But I want to believe.
Maria So I'm praying now
that this is my final love.

Beginnings come at random,
but endings always have a reason..

-M, Ayumi Hamasaki

Monday, November 22, 2004
4:30 PM


i can already picture the mad schedule:

1. meet keith and the rest of the babes from australia
2. mahjong sessions with s23.
3. going out with s23.
4. meet hanif & arjun to discuss unfinished business.
5. meet ting after like 3 years?
6. sji guild outing, supper at al-ameen. set or not, josh, sam? lol.
7. buy myself all of ayumi's albums
8. get myself a Creative ZenTouch mp3 player
9. meet _____. quite apprehensive though. -_-
10. buy myself Altec Lansing THX-enabled speakers.

2 freaking weeks to slack after As. i'm so gonna use it like hell man. and slack my ass off.

as for the state of my econs.. i think its been screwed upside down. its beyond hope. i only read market structure this morning, and it came out for data response zzzzz but it wasn't too bad la. still managed to crap my way through. as for case study? international trade? ogay, second question was still doable. but the first one? explain the case for free trade? WTF. HOW AM I SUPPOSED TO KNOW. i didn't even do that part of the question la. i just hope i'll get a decent pass for essays, a borderline fail for paper 2, and a good pass for mcq, and hopefully *crosses fingers* scrape through with a B, or a C (if less fortunate).

biology 3 was really quite easy compared to all the shit we've been put through in school exams, and considering i only studied for it yesterday. i mean, they didn't test much on theory, it was mostly interpreting graphs and trends and all, which were pretty do-able. the only gripe i had was that scope of biotech was tested in both alternatives for essay. zzzzz which means i had to fake out like 6m worth of crap for that part of the essay. overall, biology was pretty well done i guess. paper 1 left, which i totally can't screw.

just give me my 3 As for chem bio and math. 3 As are to die for man.. just imagine. i'll be accepted into biomed at melb uni if i get that. may the cambridge markers mark our scripts wisely. Amen.

Saturday, November 20, 2004
9:22 AM


doushite naite iru no
doushite mayotte ru no
doushite tachidomaruno
nee oshiete
itsu kara otona ni naru
itsu made kodomo de ii no
doko kara hashitte kite
nee doko made hashiru no

ibasho ga nakatta mitsukaranakatta
mirai ni ha kitai dekiru no ka wakarazu ni

itsu mo tsuyoi ko da ne tte iware tsudsukete ta
nakanaide erai ne tte homeraretari shite ita yo
sonna kotoba hitotsu mo nozonde nakatta
dakara wakaranai furi wo shite ita

doushite waratte ru no
doushite soba ni iru no
doushite hanarete ku no
nee oshiete

itsu kara tsuyoku natta
itsu kara yowasa kanjita
itsu made matte ireba
wakari aeru hi ga kuru

mou hi ga noboru ne sorosoro ikanakya
itsu made mo onaji tokoro ni ha irarenai

hito wo shinjiru koto tte itsu ka ura kirare
hanetsukerareru koto to onaji to omotte ita yo
ano koro sonna chikara doko ni mo nakatta
kitto ironna koto shiri sugite ta

itsu mo tsuyoi ko da ne tte iware tsudsukete ta
nakanaide erai ne tte homeraretari shite ita yo
sonna fuu ni mawari ga ieba iyu hodo ni
warau koto sae kutsuu ni natte ta

hitori kiri de umarete hitori kiri de ikite iku
kitto sonna mainichi ga atari mae to omotte ta

English Translation

Why am I crying?
Why am I lost?
Why did I stop?
Please tell me
When will I grow up?
How long can I stay a child?
Where have I come running from?
Where am I running to?

I had no place to live. I couldn't find one.
I don't know if I could have any hope for the future.

They always said I was a strong child.
They praised me, saying "you must be strong to not cry."
I didn't want those words at all.
So I pretended not to understand.

Why are you laughing?
Why are you by my side?
Why are you leaving me?
Please tell me.
When did you become strong?
Since when have you felt weakness?
How long must you wait
for the day you understand to come?

The sun is rising. I must go soon.
I can't stay in the same place forever.

You will someday be betrayed by your trust in people.
I thought it was the same as being rejected.
At the time I didn't have that kind of strength.
I definitely knew too much.

They always said I was a strong child.
They praised me, saying "you must be strong not to cry."
The more people said things like that,
the more even laughing became agony.

I was born alone. I'll go on living alone.
I thought that surely that kind of life is appropriate.

-A Song for XX, Hamasaki Ayumi

1:19 AM

what's all the hype about national exams anyway? are they really that worthy of mention? i mean, its so controversial. there are people who slack to the core, and get straight As. conversely, there are others who mug their asses off only to screw up. and of course the case of one always doing well in school exams, and then screwing up the national exam. or, always screwing school exams and suddenly aceing the national exam.

i can sense the retort coming, along the lines of 'you shouldn't complain so much, you're having it good here in SG. think of all the other terrible places and you'll know how fortunate you are'.

you know what? i'm so sick and tired of this lame track of reasoning. slogging (not so much of stress and work, but more of reification) away for two years, and revolving totally around one crucial make-or-break exam doesn't do any justification to the word 'fortunate'. zzzzzz.

and yes, i'm not confident about getting straight As. or even getting As for that matter. pardon the pessimism, but i doubt As are gonna come my way that easily, contrary to popular belief. or not. whatever makes you happy.

Friday, November 19, 2004
9:00 PM

chem 1 today. it was okay i guess. lost about 4 marks. don't really know what to say cause i didn't prepare for it. slacked yesterday and today -_-'. and my chem tys remains clean and fresh in the cupboard. quite a waste of money i guess, sigh. well, a great weekend has been planned ahead for me. lets see. mugging the whole biotech syllabus tmr.. and sunday will be spent on econs (desperate attempts to salvage the state of my econs)..zzzz.

that aside, i'm absolutely horrified by the results of SG idol today. zz. sylvester sucks in English vocals. and SG idol is all about gearing towards world idol where English is the primary language medium. clearly, it should have been taufik and olinda at the grand finals. zzzzz. all ah lians should be shot tonight.

Thursday, November 18, 2004
1:37 PM

been listening to one of ayumi's new singles. 'INSPIRE'- listen to it here. its quite an interesting song, interesting lyrics. seems that ayumi has evolved over the years. back in "a song for XX", the lyrics were "i was born to live alone", and now in "INSPIRE", she sings, "no one can live alone". interesting.

okay. after As i'm heading out to the nearest HMV. to buy myself 1)all of Nightwish's albums and 2)all of Ayumi's albums. sounds like a mad plan eh? lol.

Wednesday, November 17, 2004
8:15 PM

chem 2 was.. refreshingly easy? i mean. ure talking to someone who got 18/60 for chem paper 2 for prelims. that's how pathetic i was. but this paper proved to be pleasantly do-able. the only problem now, as nav pointed out, is the problem of moderation. that the A grade may be pushed up to the low or even high 80s. bah. if i screw up, then so be it. i was at my productive peak for this paper. anything further and improvements will only be nominal.

econs 3 on the other hand was a harrowing experience indeed. so i went into the examination hall, banking on wage determination and differentials like never before. alas, there were NO essay questions on wages. nugget. you can't even begin to imagine what my morale was like. i stoned for 5minutes after discovering wages were nowhere to be seen. when i finally recovered, i started looking at the questions. first one was on externalities. didn't prepare, it was out of the question. second one was on demand/supply analysis i think? and on elasticities. these cambridge examiners are weirdos man. its almost a conspiracy on their part, testing elasticities year after year. but the thing is, my mind was so filled with wages that i simply couldn't extract out any other micro knowledge i had. then i looked at the third question, which was on production and costs (which i studied) and market structures (which i did NOT study). at that point of time, my fate was sealed la. i had to do questions 4, 5 and 6 by hook or by crook lol. 4 was relatively easy, since it was on income&employment, and 5 was on inflation, which was the macro topic i was banking on. so, it wasn't too bad la, questions 4 and 5. BUT the thing is, i spent 2 FREAKING hours on 4 and 5. leaving 15minutes to attempt question 6, which happened to be a full 25mark essay. on what? the extent to which Singapore's macroeconomic problems are caused by a weakening of the exchange rate? but i thought the MAS ensured that the SGX is maintained at consistently high levels -_-'. so i kinda panicked, and then blabbered about cyclical unemployment and global recession and SARS and September 11 and some totally irrelevant shit for that 15mins la. i'm so gonna fail that essay miserably. my econs is NOT screwed.

that said, i'm going to slack for the rest of the day. feeling too miserable to do anything. anyways, next paper's on friday (chem MCQ -_-'). wish me luck, i'm off. nite.

Tuesday, November 16, 2004
1:46 PM

wow. haven't updated for quite some time. it's been a long weekend of skiving basically. i had great plans to study, but as usual, all failed. lol. pathetic sia. ermm.. today was math 2. i left out 6m of p&c questions -_-' and another 7m on one stupid stats question, the one on the masses of the parcels. 13m gone..zzzz. well.. can't be bothered about it anymore.

econs 3 and chem 2 tmr.. its gonna be a long night tonight. talk about being prepared, i still have the whole of macroecons left to study. and it doesn't help that we're reading the same notes over and over again. so mundane, and yet we aren't able to mug everything fully. at least i'm not able to, lol.

zzz. been drowning myself in ayumi's songs recently. just a sudden craze. i've been playing M and Evolution all week. speaking of which, i need new speakers. my current harman/kardon speakers are screwing up (especially the left one). i've been eyeing altec lansing speakers for ages......with THX enabled. how awesome. zzz, but NS is coming, so there isn't any point in buying new speakers, is there? bah, i'll go study. 10 more days left. 7more papers.

wakenaku hajimari wa otozure, owari wa itsudatte wake wo motsu...

Saturday, November 13, 2004
8:06 AM

ripped off nav's blog heheh..


You are a moon shadow. With the moon as your source
you are a being of great mystery. Constantly
drifting, you descend into darkness to conceal
your brokenness. You have come to believe that
you are the only one you can rely upon for
constancy and safety that you need. But those
who know how to see you find enchanting beauty
in your wistfulness and fragility. It is to
them that you should flee, for their arms are
an open haven where your true light can finally

What Kind of Shadow Are You? (with gorgeous pics)
brought to you by Quizilla

wow, i think its quite an accurate result. mad quiz. i feel shrouded in an air of mystery now. lol

Friday, November 12, 2004
10:21 AM


Sou da ne bokura atarashii jidai wo
Mukaete mitai ne kisekiteki ka mo ne
Nido to wa chotto ajiwaenai yo ne
Mou ichido Omoidashite

Kono hoshi ni umare tsuita hi
Kitto nandaka ureshikute
Kitto nandaka setsunakute
Bokura wa naite itan da
wow yeah wow yeah wow wow yeah

Genjitsu wa uragiru mono de handansae
Ayamaru kara ne soko ni aru kachi wa
Sono mede chanto mikiwamete ite ne
Jibun no monosashi de

Konna toki ni umare tsuita yo
Dakedo nanto ka shindette
Dakara nanto ka koko ni tatte
Bokura wa kyou wo okutteru
wow yeah wow yeah wow yeah

Konna hoshi ni umare tsuita yo
Nandaka totemo ureshikute
Nandaka totemo setsunakute
Ookina koe de naki nagara
wow yeah wow yeah wow wow yeah

Konna toki ni umare tsuita yo
Dakedo kimi ni deaeta yo

Konna hoshi ni umare tsuita yo
Dakedo kimi ni deaeta yo

Kono hoshi ni umare tsuita hi
Kitto nandaka ureshikute
Kitto nandaka setsunakute
Bokura wa naite itan da
wow yeah wow yeah wow wow yeah

Konna toki ni umare tsuita yo
Dakedo nanto ka shindette
Dakara nanto ka koko ni tatte
Bokura wa kyou wo okutteru
wow yeah wow yeah wow wow yeah

English Translation

It's true, isn't it? It seems as though
we're aiming for a new century. It's miraculous:
This is something you can only taste once.
Let's remember one more time.

On the day we arrived on this Earth
we were somehow happy,
and somehow it hurt.
We were crying
wow yeah wow yeah wow wow yeah

Reality is a traitor; it's easy
to misjudge things. So with your own two eyes
please decide the worth of this place.
Do it with your own standards.

We've arrived in this kind of time.
But somehow we'll die
So somehow we're standing here
and we're living through today.
wow yeah wow yeah wow yeah

We've arrived on this kind of world.
Somehow I'm very happy
somehow it hurts a lot.
While crying at the top of my lungs:
wow yeah wow yeah wow yeah

I've arrived in this kind of time.
But I met you.

I've arrived in this kind world.
But I met you.

On the day we arrived on this Earth
we were somehow happy,
and somehow it hurt.
We were crying
wow yeah wow yeah wow wow yeah

We've arrived in this kind of time.
But somehow we'll die
So somehow we're standing here
and we're living through today.
wow yeah wow yeah wow yeah

-Evolution, Ayumi Hamasaki

Tuesday, November 09, 2004
10:20 PM

i feel.. drunk. in a drunken stupor. lol, after all, i slept at 12.30am last night and 1am the night before. not really in a philosophical mood, i'll just post another entry on trivial matters.

its been a terribly exhausting tuesday for me, with bio 2 and math 1 papers on the same day. zz. bio was first, in the morning. as usual, i was feeling damn unprepared, cause i studied like syllabus E-J in a mad rush the previous night. the paper was a pleasant surprise, like chem 3. i mean, i can't confidently say all my answers were correct. but it was a pretty do-able paper, pretty standard, easy even relative to prelim papers and all. except that i crapped for a 6m essay -_-' one on transpiration. to think the answers were in the notes. lesson learnt: never leave out the Question Sets when studying biology lecture notes.

felt even more pathetic before math 1. everyone was frantically mugging last min, and i realised i couldn't do alot of basic stuff, and i ended up stoning instead of studying. horrible. the paper was.....yet another pleasant surprise i guess. i mean, my math has always sucked all along, every math exam i take deals a heavy blow to my morale when i get back the results. i guess i feel better about this paper, considering i lost only around 15marks, and i could do all the rest. i'm most proud of the last question. when i say differential equations and vectors for the either/or questions, i was like. gg la. i didnt even really study these topics. it didn't help that i couldnt do the ODE at ALL. so i was forced to do vectors. try to picture an oobernoob doing vectors. one who can't even differentiate between original/resolved components and unit/direction vectors. miraculously, i managed to get the correct answer. you cannot even begin to understand how overwhelmed with emotion i am. i am so totally relieved. i have to thank huiling for tutoring me on vectors 1 hour before the paper.

so.. 7 papers down, 8 more to go. econs 3, math 2, and chem 1 & 2 next week. not too worried for chem, will have to practise some stats. quite concerned for my econs. my performance in it has been highly volatile. oh well, 1 week break. i'll TRY to mug. i'll TRY not to regret. and you over there. its about time you stop wasting ure life reading blogs. GO STUDY LA.

10:13 PM

Evidence Mounts That The Vote May Have Been Hacked

there's always something more to it isn't there? i knew it. how could America possibly be satisfied by the despicable results of the elections? well, it all boils down to the statistics really, and whoever who has the power to control them..

Monday, November 08, 2004
2:52 PM

extremely exhausted after the draining 2h45mins of chem paper 3. basically, i employed a new tactic this time round, in the hopes of saving my chem grades (which have always been in the doldrums). so, i began with organic chem. it was an easy section really, quite morale boosting, except that i lost 3m (due to inability to do one part on distinguishing chemical tests). then i moved on to food chem, which as usual, was the lamest section. comparing protein/vitamin/mineral content of skimmed milk vs. full cream milk? i was like, wtf? so food chem section was mostly crapped (say, -8m as a rough gauge). then i went on to inorganic chem, which proved to be interestingly un-tough, compared to all the crap we've been doing at school. it was quite well done. finally, i moved on to physical chem, the fattest section. "define relative atomic mass." lol? i was fumbling over that, and my acid base was a bit screwed up -_-', and i left out the drawing on electrode potential (duh.. i didn't mug that drawing). all in all, there were probably about 8m lost in that section.

which means i lost about 20 marks in all.. zzzzzz. so the max i can get is about 80, which means i'll probably get a B for this paper? that's quite a pathetic grade for a relatively easy paper. so am i screwed, or not?

shall not dwell on this matter. i'll just go mug bio. syllabus E,F,G,I,J left to study. gg.

Friday, November 05, 2004
8:01 AM

ogay, this post is for all you faithful diligent viewers who have been patiently waiting for an update. what shall i say? GP? GP was fat. fat was my choice of essay- "Can small countries have a significant voice in world affairs?". fat until cannot fat. anyway i think my intro was ok, but after that everything went downhill, with me offering a lame argument, a highly feeble balance, and an outright disgusting refutation. as for compre, it was generally doable, except that my AQ was kinda screwed, cause i spent so much time refuting Parks, i had only like what? 10mins? to examine Sherborne's argument (read: my second para for AQ was damn fat).

so much for that. monday's chem, and tuesday's math and biology. i still have organic and food chem to study, the whole of pure math untouched, and half of biology (to be exact, syllabi E,F,G,H,I,J) all to be completed in the next 3 days or so (including today). wish me luck.

that concludes this update. stay tuned for the next update (probably on next friday).