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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
12:46 PM

i guess its quite a bad time to get hooked onto anime again? yup, especially with the prelims and As drawing closer.. but i can't help it. Recently, AXN started showing Ranma 1/2 again but i didnt watch it at first coz i thought it was a repeat broadcast. but OMG! they were showing new seasons! Season 5 and season 6..irresistible! watching it can really lighten up your mood, lol. i really admire the creator of Ranma, i mean a show with people who can turn into pandas, pigs, cats and ducks..who else could have ever made such a hilarious anime?

reminds me of the past. i first began watching anime on AXN about 2 or 3 years ago or so. the first anime i ever watched was ShadowSkill. it was this really cool martial arts flick, which got me interested in other animes. eventually i watched Cooking Master Boy, Grander Musashi and Vandread. and then i watched Strange Dawn which to me is the coolest anime on earth. it actually tackles many controversial issues like war, politics, even rape. and the plot is really well-refined, with alot of emotion and suspense. the only shortcoming is that its only 10 episodes long, so everything happens really fast. the thing is, the creator didnt embark on Season 2, because Strange Dawn (Season Premiere) received very very bad reviews. i believe its because most of the critics who watched it didn't understand the plot. in fact, i had to watch it twice, before i fully understood the plot.

nowadays, there's been a proliferation of anime in the market. the thing that irks me the most is that there's a whole load of westernized and americanized animes which are really screwed up. even animes are falling prey to the webs of commercialism now.. sigh. i just hope there will be more creators like those of Ranma and Strange Dawn. animes that are unique, and with a personal touch added- yumm.

Monday, August 30, 2004
3:35 PM

SO much for last min mugging.

chem prelim prac was screwed up and down, left and right, over and out. and over again.


7:53 AM

omg. i went to school extra early, at 7am today, thinking my chem prac is at 8am. and then i went to check the noticeboard, and it says i'm in Shift 2. wtf! so i came back home.


time to mug for awhile.. and then i'm off at 9.30.
good luck ppl~

Saturday, August 28, 2004
9:41 PM

was reading eunice's blog, and snatched this off her blog (hope you don't mind)..

suddenly tot of this qn today.. sometimes i really wonder who are my true frens.. even though some ppl may seem nice on the surface.. but how am i supposed to know how they are like deep down in their hearts.. whether they are really sincere ppl or notz.. haix.. life is juz so unpredictable to the extent that i kinda feel vunerable la.. hm... or maybe i'm too sensitive alre. wells

reading that, it kinda reminded me of myself.. a year back. i guess everyone goes through periods of identity crises.. its part and parcel of life.

ultimately, i agree with eunice. ignorance and innocence will probably be the better way out.. there's no point brooding over stuff. i've been doing that all my life, particularly so in college, and i've achieved nothing out of it.


Friday, August 27, 2004
3:54 PM

oh man.. if i do that, i'll have to study physics in the first year.


3:46 PM

Bachelor of Biomedical Science


The Bachelor of Biomedical Science aims to provide you with training in fundamental and state-of-the-art biomedical science. The core programs are based on a unique blend of genome science, whole animal systems biology, new instrumentation biotechnology, bioinformatics and bioethics. The course also aims to provide industry perspectives and to develop skills in leadership and communication relevant to industry needs.The Bachelor of Biomedical Science is a specialised program which focuses on:- human biology;- a multidisciplinary approach to teaching the basic sciences;- the involvement of senior researchers from prestigious biomedical research institutes in the training and work experience programs associated with the course.How does Biomedical Science differ from Science?At Melbourne, the Biomedical Science and Science degrees are closely aligned but with some important differences. The Bachelor of Biomedical Science has a focus on human biology, the degree is structured with a large proportion of fixed, core subjects. In contrast, the Bachelor of Science is a flexible degree that has no set requirements, but specialisation in all of the areas of biomedical science.


The first year of the Bachelor of Biomedical Science provides students with training in the foundation areas of biomedical science - biology, chemistry, mathematics and statistics and physics.The major components of the second year are two multidisciplinary core subjects, which integrate the teaching of biochemistry, physiology and cell biology.In the third year students specialise in one of the eight streams:- functional, computational and applied genomics;- physiological genomics;- biotechnology and therapeutics;- molecular biology of the cell in health and disease;- reproductive and developmental biology;- neuroscience;- microorganisms, infections and immunity;- biomedical physics and chemistry.

Streams and subjects

Study area(s): Over the three years you specialise in one of eight streams:- functional, computational and applied genomics;- physiological genomics;- biotechnology and therapeutics;- molecular biology of the cell in health and disease;- reproductive and developmental biology;- neuroscience;- microorganisms, infections and immunity;- biomedical physics and chemistry.

Career options

The degree is designed to provide the scientific, technical, communication and teamwork skills suitable for direct entry into a wide range of biomedically relevant employment fields.Of particular interest will be careers in biomedical research, hospital and industrial science, pharmaceutical and biotechnological industries, scientific or technical consultancy, microbiological and medical diagnostics, food industry, life sciences instrumentation industry, bioinformatics industries in computational molecular biology and rational drug design, and forensic science, as well as in government offices and agencies, agricultural industries, and the fields of patent and trademark law.

-sourced from http://www.unimelb.edu.au/ The University of Melbourne

so the thing is, is BSc (Biomedical Science) better than Bsc (Biochemistry) ?

Thursday, August 26, 2004
2:33 PM

GP was screwed left and right, up and down, over and out.


2:25 PM

HEY i stumbled onto this when i was browsing the Blogger Knowledge section and i wrote this long entry criticizing that bit writer, and NOW ITS ALL GONE. zzz. was Blogger trying to censor me just coz i was anti-whats her name (who's a staff off Blogger)?

Wednesday, August 25, 2004
5:49 PM

phew, the dreadful bio prac is over. two physiology questions and one histology question, and the whole histo qn was on animal histology!! no plant histo? who'd have expected that? minutes before the exam, a few others and myself were still cramming root and leaf TS and what not. o well, at least trachea TS (which i studied for) came out. it wasn't too bad.

GP tmr. i havent studied yet. i want to get A2. but i have a tendency of screwing up and getting C6es.

how la.

Tuesday, August 24, 2004
1:38 PM

went to school half-heartedly.. and ended up attending bio tut and GP only. SCross returned the practical test today, the one i completely screwed and over. turns out, it was so screwed that i got 10/40 -.- and thats not the worst part, i got 0/15 for plant histology!! argh!! i hate slidework.. sob sob.

GP was a reassuring lesson though. ms vignesh returned the compre test, and i think i'm finally back on form again. i've realised, GP papers are really the most taxing of all exams. at least, for me that is. i mean, i find it really difficult to get through compre and essay if i'm not feeling very passionate on that day. and it also doesn't help to have it in the afternoon, especially if you had a paper in the morning- which would mean that u'd be completely drained even before the GP paper.

i wonder if its just me? i mean i really need to have 100% focus and concentration, not to mention the passion and the drive, if i'm gonna write an essay with a convincing or outstanding logical development. which is why i'm quite worried. coz when i get back marked essays, the comments are always like 'unconvincing', 'uninspired' or 'certainly not your best'. for a start, at least the GP prelim paper is in the morning, which would mean that i'll most probably be fully focussed. which makes me quite determined to try and ace it. i miss seeing 99% being written next to my GP grade in my result slip. i mean, i was quite frustrated when i got 42nd percentile for the recent common test..lol.

bah, there's so much on my mind now. nvm, i shouldn't rant so much on my blog. time for a short nap. before revising histology and that darn slidework. hell, i don't wanna get 0/15 for prelims too~

Monday, August 23, 2004
5:34 PM

oh, and i watched AVP last nite. at 11 or so. there was no midnight show.

it was quite lame actually. plotwise. the original Alien and Predator series were much more sophisticated and engaging.

but of course, with today's technology, you have to admit AVP's special effects were way cooler. the Predators looked sexier than ever. and check out that new spear weapon thingy. awesome.

ama, thats 3 blog posts in the past hour. alrite, i'm off.. to mug bio. prelim prac on wednesday..argh!!

5:10 PM

so yesterday, i told my parents that i intended to study overseas after the As.

dad: 'what course?'
me: 'biochem.'
dad: 'have you considered your career prospects?'
me: 'huh? i duno.. maybe work in Biopolis or something?'
mum: '..why can't you study medicine like your dad?'
me: 'havent we been through this a thousand times?'
dad: 'you better think carefully first.'
me: 'umm.. it costs at least 24 000AU per annum.'
dad: 'aussie dollars have a higher value than sing dollars now.'
me: 'yup.'
dad: 'but worrying about finances is the least of your concerns right now.'

so as usual, in his indirect way of speaking, my dad kinda implied that he'd finance my university education. so that's one hurdle crossed?

what i need now are perfect grades. straight As. zzzzzz

5:04 PM

ok, saw this quiz at en's blog..

My japanese name is 猿渡 Saruwatari (monkey on a crossing bridge) 拓海 Takumi (open sea).
Japanese Name Generator

monkey on a crossing bridge? wtf ?

and "jay" means 藤原 Fujiwara (wisteria fields) 一真 Kazuma (one reality).

how complicated. I'd prefer Soun or Genma as my japanese name, really. LOL~

Saturday, August 21, 2004
8:48 PM

damn! li jiawei lost to that north korean (who was barking away throughout the match.. she sounded like she was yelping all the time?lol).

oh well, wish her the best of luck for the Bronze medal playoffs. she's got the talent to go far.

Friday, August 20, 2004
7:07 PM

prelims in 3 weeks.

i still haven't had the time to sit down and mug diligently.


Gilthoniel A Elbereth!

7:00 PM

BUT i realise, i need to fork out between $70, 000- $100, 000 if i wanna study in aussie, and thats not covering living expenses? i haven't told my parents yet. they'll just asphyxiate and die on the spot.

Thursday, August 19, 2004
8:54 AM

i never thought i'd ever say this.


i've decided.
for sure.

i wanna go to Melbourne University, and do the combined Bachelor of Science/Arts course. i'll probably read biology/biochemistry and economics/journalism/international studies.


ok, so i need this BBB average at least for A levels........ so i really really gotta mug. MUG MUG MUG AND GET OUT OF SG YEAHHHHHHH

(p.s. don't label me as an ungrateful singaporean. i'll definitely come back if i ever make it there.)

Wednesday, August 18, 2004
3:49 PM

my cells are beginning to like break down on me. like i'm kinda decomposing alive. i need SLEEP. i slept from 3.15am to 6.15am today and guess what? it was time for school already..lol

oh and i finally donated blood. second time. the bloodbank staff came down to nj. as usual, a rewarding experience, but i guess the turnout wasn't very high this year? the hall was practically empty.. and last year, the hall was so overpopulated that the bloodbank actually chartered buses to bring students to the bloodbank itself so that they could donate blood.

alrite. time for a nap. and then study for maths mock.. zzzzzzzzzzzz

Tuesday, August 17, 2004
4:26 PM


so limGC comes to class today, and we spent the whole period discussing about the mock exam we just had, and WTF it was actually the 2003 A LEVEL ESSAY PAPER. aaaaarrrrrgggghhhh i feel so stupid and helpless that i can't even do an actual A-level paper. gosh.. it was really very difficult man.. and it didnt help that i only studied 6 chapters out of 19 (and i stupidly focussed on micro, and 4 qns were on macro, and only 2 were on micro).


oh, i got 32/75. is that 42%?

oh guess what? the highest in about 6 classes so far (ie. gilbert lee's and limGC's classes) was 41/75. (oh my, did that guy just pass?)

oh, and i forgot to mention. incidentally, he was the ONLY person to PASS so far.


4:21 PM

just an afterthought- i didn't mean that i hated SG you know? all right, i'm just not in favour (politically correct) of the education system, and i don't deny that it is the effective education system that has brought me this far. but really, something has to be done to improve tertiary education in SG you know? i feel like i'm just this machine being overfed with inputs and constantly being forced to churn out maximum output at lowest costs. haven't they heard of diminishing returns? or negative externalities?

Sunday, August 15, 2004
11:30 PM

you know, that quiz is just so true. i don't care anymore. my parents have to sponsor me, coz i'm too stupid to get a scholarship. i just have to GET OUT OF SG.

11:23 PM

You're of the "I hate school" breed!
You just hate going to school
and can't stand waking up every day just for
school. But no choice, you just force your way
through school and when the time comes, you
leave the country for other, better education
systems. Bah, at least you have the resources
to do so, you rich/smart bugger!!

Which Stereotypical Singaporean Student Are You?
brought to you by Quizilla

Saturday, August 14, 2004
8:49 PM

damn.. pissed with the new quartermaster. he claims i havent told him anything about his duties, and instead of asking me directly he goes and complains to others that he's blur and what nots. zzz. wtf la. you got any probs can't u just settle it with me. so today i prepared this set of NOTES on how to be a quartermaster -_-' can you believe it. and then, at the last minute, the guy's missing in action. i......duno what to do with them already. this kind of exco.. they totally lack initiative man.

after the econs mock, i went to catch farenheit 9/11 with a friend. what an eye-opener. it's quite a good film, though it may be inherently biased.. but its an eyeopener nevertheless. i got quite a shock really. i mean.. its like you can't even really rely on newspapers nowadays.. they just tend to downplay and censor everything. well..go watch it if you havent.

and then. we roamed around orchard for awhile, and then we went to borders and read cookbooks and books on dinosaurs.. lol. -.- and then we went to the religion section. to me thats one of the most interesting sections actually, coz i'm interested in learning about world religions.. and in the first place, i'm an agnostic.. its interesting to read viewpoints of believers and how they try to convince you to have faith. so we stumbled upon this book on Kabbalah, the faith of Jewish mystics. reading it was quite a torture, coz the prose was so complex -.- but actually, it made alot of sense to me. ironic isn't it? of all things, some book on "unorthodox" Jewish teachings, has actually almost convinced me... an ardent agnostic. almost... how interesting. i'll have to read up on kabbalistic teachings after my As.

Friday, August 13, 2004
7:15 PM

so today, i found out certain things which i'm supposed to know about my future, but i didn't know. great. so they say, for university application, you need both a testimonial and a personal statement.

1. The former is just a document stating all your achievements (if any) collated over the years of academia pursued.
2. While schools do provide testiomonials, apparently these testimonials are inadequate if you are intending to apply to foriegn universities, so effectively, you have to produce your own version of your testimonial.
3. The personal statement is, as implied, a statement about who you are. Basically, you have to come up with your personal statement, and it does not follow any particular structure or does not have to include any particular content.
4. The personal statement effectively makes or breaks your university application (!), ie. given intense competition, personal statement holds key value in judging whether you will be offered a place in your desired university (of course, assuming that you have 4 As which is the prerequisite anyway).
5. Therefore, the personal statement will have to convince the university why you are so deserving of a place in the desired faculty.

so i was like, wtf? i missed out so much juz cos i didnt attend the university admission talks? geez.. so i actually contemplated on what i'd possibly like to read in university.

1. Biology
2. Geography
3. Economics
4. International Relations

WTF. so is it faculty of science? or faculty of arts? omg...i can't even decide on that, and whats worse.. i only considered what i'd like to read in university. i didnt not measure my competence, or capability...or even career prospects.

zzzz.... what the hell. i'll just set aside this heavy burden for now.. and concentrate on studying for the econs mock exam? wow, there's 19 chapters.. i've studied 4.

Thursday, August 12, 2004
10:11 AM

Morning smiles
like the face
of a newborn child,
innocent, unknowing.

Winter's end
of a long lost friend.
Speaks to me of comfort

but I fear
I have nothing to give.
I have so much
to lose here in this lonely place.
Tangled up in your embrace
there's there's nothing I'd like better than
to fall.

but I fear
I have nothing to give.

Wind in time
rapes the flower
trembling on the vine
and nothing yields to shelter
from above.
They say temptation will destroy our love.
The never ending hunger


but I fear
I have nothing to give.
I have so much to lose.
I have nothing to give.
We have so much to lose...

-Fear, Sarah Mclachlan

Wednesday, August 11, 2004
2:27 PM

ughh. today i ran 4k in the morning with xinyi, and our timing deproved.. to 25mins? thats like? 5mins off track? -.- woke up feeling rather tired this morning.. after counselling en until around 12.15 last nite or so.. i really hope what i said has some effect on her la. now its 2.40pm, and i'm feeling kinda stoned.

i think i'll hit the sack now. just a short nap.

and then reluctantly drag myself out of bed to study 3 chapters of micro.

and i HAVE to pon school tomorrow, otherwise i won't even be able to at least glance through my macro notes before the exam itself on saturday -.-

Tuesday, August 10, 2004
10:02 PM

oh well.. today marks the beginning of a new "chapter" for Singapore? so long-time PM Goh steps down, and Lee Hsien Loong is taking over the helm now. i suppose i've grown to trust the PAP totally, i believe that the new leadership will be as potent and as successful as the one stepping down. yea well, there are those who are cynical coz they say power is being concentrated within a few families, but face it, Singapore has really done well in the past 39yrs. Opposition parties really have no future..for now at least.

so its only right that i embark on a new chapter in my life also ~lol~ to start studying.. yes. i shall. tmr. i'm gonna start on that damn econs. .....how will i complete the syllabus by saturday? the mock exam is on sat. *shudders*

3:58 PM

Shame on you if you fool me once
Shame on me if you fool me twice
But you've been a pretty hard case to crack
Should've known better but I didn't
And I can't go back

Oh life goes on
And it's only gonna make me strong
It's a fact, once you get on board
Say good-bye 'cause you can't go back
Oh it's a fight, and I really wanna get it right
Where I'm at, is my life before me
Got this feelin' that I can't go back

-from Life Goes On, LeAnn Rimes

8:04 AM

nowadays, i wake up feeling more tired than before i go to sleep. and its mainly coz of the disturbing dreams i have every night. i mean, they're not nightmarish or anything, they're just positively weird. its like, when i go to sleep, i'm not really sleeping, i'm just waking into another world. and these dreams just go on and on, from the moment i close my eyes, till i wake up the next day. and i'll have this vague memory at the back of my head, and if i concentrate abit, i can simply remember the entire dream, leaving me puzzled for the whole day. they say you shouldn't try to recall what you dreamt about coz dreams are the body's (or rather) the mind's way of getting rid of synaptic pathways that are no longer used. so if you recall dreams, basically you're just feeding trash that the brain has processed, and chucked out, back into the brain again. maybe that's why i'm stupid.. spending my days recalling dream after dream. my brain cells must be saturated with trash now. ~~~

ah well, econs mock is on sat. i better start revising. bb

Sunday, August 08, 2004
7:52 PM

on 'the village'

well. since so many people have bugged me about it, i've finally decided to write a review once and for all.. geez. just watch it lah.. haha.. its not so bad.

basically, the village isn't a horror flick at all, contrary to popular belief. that's just a facade. basically, there's this village governed by 'the elders', a group of people who were supposedly the founding members of the community. and they mde this village, right in the middle of this forest (duh). and basically, everyone is made to believe that there are strange creatures lurking in the woods ('those we do not speak of'). and there's supposed to be a truce between the villagers and the monsters, neither is to cross into each others' realms. but then there's this guy Lucius, who's like brave and fearless and all, and he's in love with this blind girl Ivy. and she has this mentally unstable brother Noah, and so Lucius requests to cross the forest, and to go to the town, to get medicine that might possibly cure Noah. but of course, the elders deny his request. so life goes on, and one day, Lucius and Ivy announce that they want to get married. and for some reason, Noah got mad, perhaps coz he could not understand the bond shared by Ivy and Lucius, and he goes and stabs Lucius repeatedly.. and Lucius slips into this fever. and so Ivy is devastated that the love of her life is dying, and she insists that she has cross the forest and get medicine for him. so her father, one of the elders, has to make a difficult decision to let her do it, defying all the laws of the village. and so he brings her to the 'shed that is not to be used'. and then hanging in there, is what at first glance seems as a specimen of 'those we do not speak of' that had been slayed. but of course, thats just the facade. then the twist comes. Ivy's father reveals to her the darkest secret of the village. 'those we don't speak of' do not actually exist. its just a hoax.. elaborately planned by the elders so as to preserve innocence in the village. they wanted to preserve a simple way of life, with no television, no mass media, no money .. basically no evils of modern day. turns out the elders themselves were folk from a town in present-day america (what a twist). and so, to prevent people from straying out of the village, into the towns, they created 'those we do not speak of'.

interesting isn't it? the concept of parental responsibility and the ethics of going against something in order to achieve greater good. and m. night has managed to weave it into this elaborately designed hoax of a horror flick.

its not bad really. just have an open mind.. when you watch it..heh

Friday, August 06, 2004
9:22 PM

well, there was a total change of plans today. i decided not to roam at taka cos its so pointless, so i just went home. and then, hanif messages me, to go watch the village with his clique. (consisting of xinyi, weimin and a few others, of which i only knew xinyi). so yea, ended up having lunch with them. well, they're a funny bunch, and nice people too. so we went to watch the village.....well, all i'll say for now is that.. my feelings after watching it were simply undescribable. i mean u simply can't label the movie as 'good' or 'bad'. enough said. well, i'll probably review the movie in another blog post or something.

after the movie hanif and I met gary, my old pal from sji, lol. been a long time since we met him. and so we set off for sji, and on the way i stumbled into the sjab gang- sean, shawn, yia. they haven't changed much, still the same old ppl i've known since sec 1.. heh.. was good to have a reunion.

well.. what can i say? annual parade only brings back all the good memories. shawn and i were talking about the fun times we had back then, it kinda made me sad really. i mean, you can only be a josephian for 4 years. 4 years isn't enough man. being a josephian is more than that. i mean, if there was an integrated programme from sec 1 right to j2, i'd definitely have chosen it. sji rocks, its a good school.

indeed, memorable day.. but i'm freakin tired now, there's so many thoughts racing in my head, but i'm just too tired to organise them and churn out entries, so i guess i'll end just here. ciao, have a good national day holiday guys.

11:33 AM

allrite, usin xy's laptop now.. just had to blog this.


YES TERRA WON THE INTER-HOUSE FASHION COMP AS WELL AS THE N.E. CHALLENGE TROPHY. ITS A DOUBLE WHAMMY! YEAHHHHH we deserve it ok! terra is not some lser house. we're gonna soar above all the rest.

man.....since when did i become so enthusiastic about house matters? nvm, i'm a believer..
ok.. gtg. the gang wants to roam around at taka -_-'

Thursday, August 05, 2004
10:27 PM

well, national day is coming soon. noone gives a fuck about celebrations at nj i think (LOL). i'd have ponned tmr if not for that sharon phua, who demands that any absence tmr be covered ONLY by an mc. -_-'

what i miss most, about national day celebrations and all.. are of course the days back at sji. during this time of the year, typically on 7 august, or on a saturday near that date, the annual parade would be held, which signifies handing over of leadership from sec 4s to sec 3s in the uniformed group organisations.

who wouldnt miss the fun times back in sjab? tough training back when we were cadets, and being NCOs when we were sec 4s, june camp, all the lame happenings, slacking around with keef sam and gang, being the sec 4 i/c (lol), making a sec 1 cadet cry...lol sigh those times. i really really miss them man.

so guys, you all better make an effort to go down and watch AP ok? i know most probably i'll be going.

Wednesday, August 04, 2004
4:17 PM

today i went to the barber again (ya, i get a haircut at least once a month) and i sat down, and the guy just starting shaving off all my hair before i told him like what kinda style i wanted. lol. so much for that, ended up with a high-slope spiked look. erm.. bet ppl are gonna have comments again. last time it was "your hair is all standing up?!" and "ooo you changed your hairstyle" and "your hair's all fuzzy.. weird but sexy" and "whats with your hair? you look like you've got horns". i give up.

everyday is a bad hair day, LOL!

4:15 PM

allright, i've just linked up da hot mantous liz & van.. hehe oh and josh groban the hot stud on special request.

Monday, August 02, 2004
4:08 PM

When the road gets dark
And you can no longer see
Let my love throw a spark
Have a little faith in me

And when the tears you cry
Are all you can believe
Just give these loving arms a try baby and
Have a little faith, faith in me

Have a little faith in me
Have a little faith in me, oh and
Have a little faith in me
Have a little faith, faith in me

When your secret heart
Cannot speak so easily
Come here baby, from a whisper start
To have a little faith in me

And when your back's against the wall
Just turn around and you, you will see
I will catch your, I will catch your fall just
Have a little faith, faith in me


I've been loving you for such a long, long time
Expecting nothing in return
Just for you to have a little faith in me
You see time, time is our friend
Cos for us there is no end
All you gotta do is have a little faith in me

I will hold you up,
I will hold you up and
Your love gives me strength enough to
Have a little faith in me
Oh faith, darlin'

Have a little faith in me
Oh, faith

-Have a Little Faith in Me, Mandy Moore

just casually posting lyrics, i like mandy moore cause she sings so sweetly and innocently; hearing her songs will just lift you out of depression. heh.

3:22 PM

well.. yesterday was an eventful day.. wanted to post an entry yesterday but then i was too tired.

reluctantly woke up in the morning at about 9, to receive an sms from han, saying that she wanted to meet me at 10, then we could walk to nj. i agreed, coz i was under the impression that all the seniors would be going down to supports the juniors, i mean, its the nationals, for gods sake.

in the end, we reached nj, and only nd and mf were going to watch them perform. the rest (teo, xy, wj) were sick, and me and han decided not to go due to our "heavy" academic commitments.. sigh.. what a lame excuse. actually, i felt quite guilty for not going also.. could see the disappointment on the juniors' faces.. think chenchao was particularly disappointed that i wasn't going down.. yea, its like if you're the apprentice, and the master doesn't want to see you demonstrating your skill, it would be quite sad, no? but its not like i delberately didnt wanna go.. i really wanted to.. but the week's events had really taken a toll on me.

in the end the juniors did ok, could tell from their rehearsal. chenchao actually had the talent for drumming in him, over the months he was able to master the art.. could feel the passion in his drumming. well i was quite glad, to have imparted some drumming skills to him.. or guided him at least. they managed a score of 7.62, which is lower than our score, but actually the difficulty level of their performance was really much much higher than ours a year ago, so well, its really a good effort by them. njld rocks~!

at night, went over to xy's coz she wanted to watch daredevil -_-' so i watched for the fun of it. well, the plot was quite bad.. or rather, underdeveloped. especially the romance between the leads.. it was so shallow and superficial, nevertheless jennifer garner saved the day. man, she was really hot in this movie. still, i think i prefer the comic, and the daredevil drama series they used to show long ago, when i was like 12 or something. bullseye was intended to be a cool character, but colin farrell played bullseye? er.. lol.. that was kinda weird.

and so my whole weekend was wasted away slacking. today was a half day though, coz the canoeing team swept all the awards at the nationals, including A div girls & boys championship, how cool is that? really admire them, and its coz of them we have the half day..lol well.. i'll go slack for awhile.. and then its time to do work. to mug!